Friday, February 10, 2017


Our character, if not developed and matured, will eventually catch up with us and knock us down from the platform in which our gifting and talents have taken us.

We all have seen it.  Highly gifted performers who have the world's attention, but lack of character shows through in their actions and their credibility is marred.   Ministers, oftentimes those with a worldwide voice, but eventually their character flaws shine through and it's the very thing that dethrones them from their position.  Marriages that appeared "OK" suddenly end in divorce.  The "perfect" child becomes the prodigal... Why? Because the hidden issues of the heart have been ignored.

"The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them." Proverbs 11:3

Our greatest weaknesses, if left undealt with, will surface to the top.  You can only wear a mask for so long. The rubber band eventually snaps and what used to hide you has now left you revealed.  The self constructed platform, that once elevated your ego, comes crashing down from the weight of the junk that was left unchecked. 
Image result for quiet times with jesus
Band-Aids are not a substitute for surgery.  Developing our character is a deep work that requires facing our heart issues, not covering them up.   It takes place in deliberate, quiet, "at the feet of Jesus" moments: diligently exposing ourselves to the Word of God and letting it shine a light on those areas that do not line up. 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." Psalm 139:23-24

Related imageOftentimes we are blinded to our issues and need to seek professional help in order to work along with what God is trying to accomplish.  How do you know when greater help is needed?  Take a look at your relationships around you; take heed to what people have said about you that you rejected.  There could be truth if the majority are saying the same thing.  Ignoring it or making excuses won't bring healing.  Choosing to continue to dismiss it will result in the same broken road of loss. 
"The way of the fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs 12:15
"Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in the abundance of counselors, there is safety." Proverbs 11:14
The other day I learned of a great word picture.  We all have our accomplishments.  Things we've done or do in life that are honorable.  If you can, picture a trophy case that represent these things; a beautiful display of wonderful things you do.  However, all over the floor are piles of junk you have to step over in order to get to these tokens of success.  Are the trophies great?  Yes.  But they do not null and void the fact that we have a garbage heap on the floor.  The good we do in life does not excuse the bad.  Jesus Himself did not excuse sin and say, "Oh, it's okay.  You have a lot going for you over in this area."  No, He showed love and compassion but also clearly said, "Go and sin no more."  If we don't look away from the awards for a time and deal with the stained carpet, our character will never be developed.
Image result for who are youSlow down and take a look at who you are.  Not at your accomplishments.  Not at your successes.  Not who you lead others or yourself to believe you are.  Not what your reputation says about you.  Who are you when no one else is looking?  What do you allow your eyes to let in and your ears to hear?  How do you treat people?  What heart attitudes reign behind your smile?  What would God say about your character?

Lord, we all have "stuff" that we cover up so beautifully. On the outside everything looks good and yet inside their is decay that needs a touch from You.  Whatever it is in our lives that is keeping us from fully serving and pleasing You, please shine a light on it.  Shine Your light on the ugly parts so that we can, with Your help, become all You have called us to be.  We want to be a living example of Christ in the earth - not a false representation that gives Him a bad name because of our undealt with "stuff."   We love You, Lord, and we desire to become more and more like You.

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