Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Knowing God

On an afternoon walk, a common way that I like to connect with the Lord, I heard Him speak to my spirit, "I want My people to truly know Me for all that I am, not just a portion."

He showed me how we all have different people in our lives for different purposes. We go to the doctor for our physical health. We have our pastors and accountability partners who help us grow spiritually. We have people in our lives that are strictly for business purposes, connections that help us gain wisdom in the area of business, discovering ways to prosper. We have friends who are there for us emotionally. We have friends who are there for us just for a good laugh...

The different people in our lives play a different role... In most cases, we do not know these people in the fullness of who they are... They meet a certain need - vice versa, but it's a limited relationship that lacks intimacy.

God so desires a deep, abiding relationship with each one of us. That is why He is challenging us to know Him as the All Sufficient One. Many times we focus primarily on Him being a faithful God, our Healer, our Comfort, or the One who provides. He is all of those things, but we have to stop limiting Him to a part of who He is and making Him just another "person," another "go to" that is only given access to a portion of our lives. He so desires our intimate acquaintance. In knowing the depths of who someone is, true intimacy is then birthed.

I want to encourage you to study the Word and gather tools to assist you in navigating through the Scriptures. There is so much more to God than we have even begun to tap into. He is the "I AM." In Him our every need is found. In Him we can do all things. In Him we are complete. In Him is life. In Him we live, and move, and have our being. We need Him! And the beautiful thing is, He longs for and desires us...

(Acts 17:28, John 1:4, Colossians 2:10, Philippians 4:13, 1 John 4:19)

Study tools: :)

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