Many people are inclined to react negatively due to undealt with, unhealed issues in their own lives. Every person is fighting a battle of some sort. That is why it is important to lay aside your natural response to take offense, and love the "unlovely."
We haven't been called to give people what they deserve. God has commanded us to treat others as we wish to be treated. We are also shown in Scripture that whatever it is we do to another (negative or positive)we are doing to Jesus Himself.
So before you lash out and choose harshness over kindness, pause and picture Jesus standing before you. All hurt inflicted on another is grieving the very heart of God.
"Rudeness, yelling, anger, and swearing are a weak man’s imitation of strength." (Author Unknown)
Let's be kind to one another. Kindness makes you more attractive :)
Ephesians 4:31-32, Matthew 7:12, Luke 10:27, Proverbs 20:3, Proverbs 29:20, James 1:19, Matthew 25:45)