Unseal my lips that I may praise You. Psalm 51:15
When you look back at the history of when Psalm 51 was written, David was going through a very tough time. He had an affair, murdered his mistresses' husband, and was dealing with all of the earthly and spiritual effects that his poor choices had brought about in his life. Nathan, a prophet, comes to him and lovingly, but sharply rebukes him for his sin. David is convicted and repents...
What is silencing your praise? What is it that hinders you from telling God how wonderful He is? What mutes you from speaking of His goodness to others?
Maybe like David there are areas in your life that need to be made "right" with God. Because of shame you avoid Him. Because of the guilt of your choices, you refrain from sharing Christ with others in fear they will mark you as hypocritical. Maybe you think you've just done too much bad to ever be accepted by God.
Remember this - Jesus would have died for you if you committed one sin or if you committed 1,000! There is no limit to the power of His sin cleansing blood and there is NOTHING that stops His unending love for YOU! (Romans 8:35-39)
Lord, I lift up every person reading this.. I pray You reveal to them that which is silencing them and keeping them from You. Unseal their lips that they may praise You. And in the midst of their praise, may their hearts be unlocked to feel the warmth of Your unconditional love.