Sunday, January 30, 2011


Mistake is made
Which way to turn
Judged and battered
Bruised and torn

What got her here?
Can anybody tell?
Or will you just join
And throw stones as well?

Does anyone here
Know her heart?
Why she was weak?
Why she fell apart?

You’d rather assume
Make a judgment call
Any of you standing
Beware lest you fall

You expose others
Yet hidden you remain
How quick you forget
I see all sin the same…

Remember the Scriptures about the teachers of the law who threw a woman caught in the act of adultery at Jesus’ feet saying, “The Law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”  Jesus then stooped to the ground, writes in the sand, and tells them, “He without sin, cast the first stone.” The men walk away one by one. Jesus says to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one condemn you?  Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” (John 8:1-12)

Many of us have read that passage and marvel at God’s mercy.  We imagine ourselves in this broken woman’s shoes and the relief she must have felt having her life miraculously spared.  We look at the “accusers” and are disgusted at how heartless they were, how devastating a public display of sin must have felt like, and feel a sense of thankfulness that “nowadays” is not like that anymore. 

As I read these passages again, I found myself zooming in on the “accusers” once again, but in a totally different light.  Could it be that we could fall into the same religious trap as these men?  Sharing on public venues, text gossip, and calling to give “prayer requests” for one of our brothers or sisters in Christ who has fallen head face into sin?  Merciless just like the Pharisees; parading around with a sole desire to make other’s wrongs known. 

So is it really any different than it was that day in the temple yard?  With the technology today, news travels fast.  Within a day’s time a global gossip network has been formed, fully armed with stones in hand.  Just like that… overnight – you become a leader of “sowing discord among the brethren” – leading others, many in whom you do not even know, into abomination.  

“These six things the Lord hates, Yes, the seventh is an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Jesus is saying the same thing to us, “Is any among you without sin? If not, then drop the stones.  Stop mimicking the enemy of your soul, the accuser of the brethren.  If you love Me, walk as I walked.”  (Rev. 12:10, 1John 2:6)

As Christ followers, we are called to be like Him.  The Christian life is about being transformed daily into His image, His likeness, His way of doing things.  With that said, let’s look again at the opening passage of Scripture.  “He without sin, cast the first stone.”  Notice – Jesus, 100% sin free, yet you never see Him pick up a stone.  He didn’t come to demolish what was already broken, but to restore it. 

“If another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path.”  (Gal. 6:1)


Lord, may our hearts break for the hurting, for their reconciliation to You. May we never use another’s brokenness as a sick form of entertainment that fuels our self-righteousness. You are not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. We want that heart. We want a heart that is broken for the lost and for our fellow brethren who have entangled themselves in the affairs of another path.  

We know that bad company corrupts good habits, so Lord, help us remove ourselves from those who choose to gossip and slander, from those who pull us away from doing Your will, from those who keep us flesh conscious rather than spirit conscious.  We want to be promoters of unity not sowers of discord.   

Forgive us for the damage we have caused others when we have not used our tongue to bring life. 

(Rom. 1:29, 2 Peter 3:9, 2 Cor. 5:20, Prov. 20:19, 2 Thess. 3:11, 1 Cor. 15:33, Psalm 133:1, Prov. 6:14, Psalm 34:13, Prov. 18:21)

Friday, January 28, 2011

What Are You Creating?

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue!" (Prov. 18:21)
Are we speaking death or life into our circumstances? What are we creating with the words that we speak? Our words have creative power!

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Prov. 23:7)

What future are we building with the thoughts that we harbor on? The thoughts we meditate on are the direction in which we will go... these thoughts will show in our attitude, which will then become the words that we speak... And our words will eventually create an outcome...

We have to make a conscious decision to change our attitude so that only life is spilling from our lips. Aligning our thoughts with God's thoughts and plans will assure that the words that we speak will create the good future He intended for us... (Jeremiah 29:11)

What atmosphere are we creating for ourselves and for those around us? Let's not be thermometers and merely adjust to the fluctuating temperatures of life... may we be thermostats ~ that everywhere we go, WE set the attitude that reigns in the room.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Intricacies of Life

I was walking through a "year round" Christmas store and couldn't help but notice all of the Christmas villages on display.  From afar, they looked nice, caught my eye, but when I really got up close and looked at all the intricacies of each individual piece, it made the display that much more beautiful and appreciated.
I began to think about our lives and how all too often we look at the BIG picture and we miss the "little" things.  Years pass us by and all we can account for is eating, sleeping, and paying the bills ~ a life of what appears mundane when you look through it with "surface" vision. 
We do this day after day acknowledging the "existence" of people, places, and things but never noticing their beauty.  We grow weary concentrating on what we don't have and miss out on the enjoyment of what is right at our fingertips. 
Looking at the villages I was also reminded of a couple of verses in Psalm 139, "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it."
When an artist puts detail into his creation: a painting, a sculpture, a writing ~ it is put there for a reason... for the observer to take notice and find enjoyment in the beauty of it...
God is the Master Creator, the Master Artist and He is into detail!  Everything He has ever created is an authentic masterpiece made for not only His pleasure but for ours!  BUT we have to slow down to find the joy in the NOW.  
Let’s stop merely glancing over the big picture of life.  Hit the “zoom in” button and you’ll discover what a fleeting look will never see. 
Begin studying the individuality of your children.  Love them BIG now right in the midst of their annoyances and quirks.  Begin noticing the deeper things deposited within your spouse, significant other, or your friends rather than maintaining “how’s the weather” shallow encounters. Quit waiting for an “easier” or “more convenient” stage of life to live in the now.  Before you know it, the chance you had is over. Everything gets pushed off for a future that never comes. 
“Slow down and smell the beauty in life…” eb

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Why is it that you hide from Me
As if I do not see?
Why do you remain silent
When your very thoughts I read?

You want to feel My presence
But you can’t see past the walls
that hardness of heart built over the years
When will they ever fall?

I need you to be transparent
Speak to Me what you feel
If you want to build a relationship
You’re going to have to be real

I’m not looking for fancy speeches
Don’t waste your time trying to impress
I just need you to begin to speak to Me
And allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest

Share with Me your struggles
No matter how shameful they may be
I already know the temptations you face
I’m the One to set you free

You fear the thought of surrender
Afraid I will strip everything from you
Do you really think I will do you harm?
I only want what is best for you

There’s freedom in your surrender
Time to give up the fight
Your heart will never find the rest it needs
Until you and I are right

Be open to Me – and be transparent
No more excuses to not even try
I can see you snuggled behind your “comfortable” walls
So why even try and hide?

True Beauty

"We have to STOP agreeing with what the world has said about us while it exploits us: We are only as good as we are sexually desirable." ~Beth Moore
From early on, young girls are subliminally trained to "use what you've got to get what or who you want" ... For those who don't feel they measure up to what society portrays as a woman, life can be an ongoing body image struggle resulting in eating disorders and depression.  Sadly, life's goal becomes minimalized to squeezing into a size 0. 

This is NOT what the Lord intends for His daughters.  It is an ugly lie from the enemy that is embedded in us as women.  It has infiltrated us to the point of "normal" - where we don't even recognize how non-stop we are bombarded with it.  It is a clever decoy to keep us focused on everything but who we are called as women to be in Christ. 

Feeling beautiful, the need to feel beautiful is okay, but Hollywood does not define true beauty. 

"You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful." 1 Peter 3:4-5

Not only are we bombarded with "image based" worth, but men are seeing the very same thing and getting a warped sense of who a real woman really is, expecting us to live up to unattainable ideals.  Fact of the matter is, we ALL, men and women alike, are being deceived into a false reality all in order to keep us flesh conscious.  If the enemy can keep us there, we will not be walking in the spirit ~ where our true worth is found. 

"Perfect love casts out fear."  This whole issue is fear based.  Fear of not measuring up, fear of rejection, fear of being unwanted, fear of being second best...  I pray that we all can get to the point where we allow Christ's perfect love to penetrate every broken part so we can walk in wholeness ~ viewing ourselves the way He intended.

"But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7 MSG)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Forgiveness is not okaying what another person did to us. They will have to give account one day for their actions. Holding onto bitterness against them does not hurt them, but it hurts us. It blocks our communication with God. It will destroy us and it will destroy our relationship with Christ. It's time to release it all and let it go...


The pain is so deep
The bitterness grows
Your heart feels trapped
With anger it shows

Imprisoned by the hurt
That keeps you bound
You wonder why
No freedom’s been found

You think your protection
Is in keeping up walls
But closing off your heart
Has been your downfall

I’ve forgiven you much
You must let the offenses go
As long as you hold on
My presence cannot flow

Holding unforgiveness
Will roadblock you from Me
It will steal your very chance
Of ever being free

You have to release anyone
Who has ever caused you pain
The shackles will then be loosed
And in your life, I’ll be free to reign.