Monday, October 31, 2011

Do You Love Him?

"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."

It is an amazing concept that whatever we do to others, good or bad, we are doing to Jesus Himself.  Our love and our commitment to God is demonstrated in how we treat others! 

Are we kind  or sharp tongued? Do we use our words to edify or do we use them to tear down? Do we take time to listen to the hurts of others or do we tune them out?  Are we willing to lay down our agenda to lend a helping hand or do we find doing for others to be an interruption to our lives?  Do we have a cheerful heart when we serve others or do we grumble and complain when we aren't recognized for our deeds?  Are we quick to give when there is a need or do we hoard what we have rather than seeing that we are blessed to be a blessing?

The Scriptures are clear that God takes account of everything - down to EVERY idle word we speak! 

We are EXPECTED to exercise self control even when we are offended or irritated by another's actions. Why?  Because when we don't we aren't being effective lights for Jesus in a dark world. We aren't representing Him correctly and ultimately we bring shame to His name. It's the love of God that leads men to repentance. If we can't love others with God's love, we cannot reach them for Christ. 

Our actions mirror our hearts. Is there enough evidence in how we treat others to convict us of being true lovers of Jesus?

(Matthew 25:31-45, Matthew 12:36, Matthew 5:14-16, Genesis 12:1-3, 2 Cor 9:8-12, 1 Cor 13, Prov 12:25, Prov 19:17, Prov 25:11, Eph 4:32)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Judge Yourself

How is it our sin looks so much worse when committed by someone else? If we feel the need to judge, let's turn to the mirror on OUR own wall for practice...

"You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things." Romans 2:1

As a sidenote: The Word DOES say we will know whether people are living for God by their "fruit."  It is important to take notice of one's lifestyle in order to make wise choices in who we allow into our inner circle. However, we are NEVER called to condemn: to mark as worthless, having no hope, deserving of punishment.  We are to be ministers of reconciliation. If we see a brother or sister who is caught up in a lifestyle of sin, we are called to lift them up IN LOVE.

When we are so focused on the wrongs of others, we overlook the very things in our own lives that need adjusting.  Let's make a conscious decision TODAY to not allow words of condemnation to pour from our lips. 

(Matthew 7:20, 2 Cor. 5:19, 1 John 5:16 Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 21:23, Eph. 4:25,29)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


We are all well acquainted with the emotion that bears a choke hold.  It's ruthlessness.  It's torment.  It's an enemy to faith, a thief that robs you of life - imprisons you to a false reality. 

Anxiety, depression, doubt, worry, hurt, anger, sadness, low self esteem, unworthiness.  It comes disguised underneath many different emotions, but it all comes down to one thing:


The paralysis for some is the dread of what could happen years down the road, anxiety associated with an unpredictable economy, and for many it is the torment of what today, the next hour, the next minute will bring. 

"...fear has torment." 1 John 4:18a

Fear is not only an emotion, but a spiritual force. It is very similar to faith in that both have an unshakable belief in an unseen future. Fear trusts circumstances, natural predictions, the enemy's lies, and self.  Faith trusts God and what His Word says.  Fear is negative faith. 

Fear is an enemy of God.  It in essence rips Him of His lordship in our lives. We become self focused and not God focused.  We put our trust in the wisdom of man rather than in the power of God (1 Cor. 2:5).  We no longer see Him for Who He is and who He desires to be in our lives...  He solely becomes a gateway to Heaven, but in our day to day living He is diminished to a dusty figure placed on a shelf.   

God is love, and the Bible says that Perfect Love casts out fear.  God is THAT perfect love. 

"There is no fear in love (dread does not exist), but perfect love turns fears out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment.  He who is afraid has not fully experienced His perfect love." 1 John 4:18

Father, we want to know Your love... Your love is our freedom.  Your love removes shackles. Your love delivers us from all fear.  You are not what our circumstances look like. You are not what the latest trends define You as.  We commit to growing in the knowledge of who You truly are as defined in Your Word, and through that knowledge - growing in intimacy with You... We know that in experiencing that intimate love - fear has no more room in our lives. Thank You for Your love and the hope and peace it brings.

"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

Friday, October 21, 2011


Written for those who have endured emotional or verbal abuse… I know the battle that rages, and I understand the roller coaster that you can’t seem to walk away from.  It may not leave outward bruises and scars, but the inward “soul scarring” is a pain that doesn’t just go away with a band-aid and time.

Only the One who made us can restore us back to wholeness.  In the midst of your raging storm, I pray you look to Him ~ where your release and your peace is found.

Crashing waves
Bruise my shore
Howling winds
Blow in once more

Torrential rains
Pelt my skin
Lightning bolts
Come again

Turbulent waters
Staggered stance
Cycle repeated
In this dying dance

Trembling knees
Strike the ground
Eyes glance up
To where help is found

An instant hush
The storm to cease
All at once
A soul at peace…

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stop Comparing

We have to STOP comparing and elevating ourselves above others. Whether you fell short twice today and someone else doubled that, fact is: we all need the same blood to make us clean. God does not operate with a "totem pole" mentality!  We must quit taking score, categorizing sin, and shooting our wounded with self righteous insults. Our righteousness is not based on a point system...

Think about it: When we expose the sin of others, is our HIDDEN sin any less evil in His eyes?

Father, help us to view others through your eyes.  Let us not see someone else's sin as opportunity to puff ourselves up. Though our sin may not always be something that is publicly seen, we know there are things hidden in us that grieve Your heart.  We want to make that right with You. Forgive us for thinking we can expose the sin of another and keep ours in secret.  We commit to pray for those who are in bondage or choosing ways apart from You. Lord, help us to be conscious to walk in the mind of Christ so we leave no room for self righteousness to infiltrate our hearts. 

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


As the leaves rustle across the ground
In the cool autumn breeze
I gaze at Your creation
Where Your beauty is clearly seen

I see Your beauty as the sun comes up
It’s written across the sky
As the sun warms me, I feel Your love
When nighttime settles, I wonder why

Why You choose to share such beauty
With one who fails You every day
Though I fall short time and again
Each morning You meet me anyway

In the quiet moments I sit and think
In awe of what I see
As the wind blows by, I hear Your voice
Whispering to me…

You notice the beauty around you
The intricacies through and through
But as splendid as this all appears

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Be Still

Burdened by life's challenges.  Overwhelmed by surrounding pressures. Moments of anxiety convincing you that "down" is the only direction your life will spiral...  

"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10

This Scripture, so simple and yet so difficult.  It's hard for us to wrap our minds around surrendering what appears insurmountable to someone else.  Our worry gives us a twisted sense of control and we can't fathom victory in our lives apart from our own efforts. I mean afterall this is BIG stuff we're faced with, but all of the stress and loss of sleep isn't quite working for us, is it?

Be still.  Part of the literal translation is "to let drop, let go, release."  We need to drop our hands from fruitless, fleshly efforts, let go of the worry that torments our minds, and release it to Him.  KNOWING that He is God takes the pressure off of our shoulders to be in control and allows Him to take over supernaturally.   

Yes, the giants in our life are big, but God is bigger!  

Be still...

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Oftentimes we are so driven to a life of perfection that our "repentance" becomes a method. It becomes about us; OUR feeling "a clean slate," OUR feeling "right," OUR success driven thinking to personally have victory over sin. In doing so, we miss the real point of repentance ~ opportunity to connect with the very One's heart we grieved. A moment of embrace. A beautiful occasion to hear, “You and I are okay.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Israel knew God's deeds, but Moses knew His ways. We need to grow past merely being informed ABOUT God and get to the point where we are transformed and KNOW Him, His heart, His ways. We have learned of His goodness from what others say and from what He has done in our own lives, but because we don't move past the "dating" stage with God, we aren't experiencing intimacy with Him.  True intimacy is born out of commitment.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love Your Neighbor

"Love your neighbor as yourself," embodies so much more than a rule to live by or an act to prove our love for God. There are blessings in obedience, but ultimately all guidelines that God lays out for us are laced with an eternal perspective much bigger than ourselves. God is about furthering His kingdom. We are the hands and feet of Christ in the earth to accomplish just that.

Think about this! Those who lowered the Apostle Paul through the window to escape the death threat on his life were actually letting down 13 books of the Bible! You never know the affect you have when you do something to help or encourage another... Remember, your act of love could reshape one's entire future ~ and generations following!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reveal to Heal

"Praise the Lord.  I'm blessed" are often things you hear repetitiously in church when asking someone how they are doing.  I understand the need to be positive.  I understand that we are not to live by our feelings.  I understand we need to confess what the Word says about us.  BUT I also know there are people right in our churches who are broken.  They fear saying how they really feel because "that wouldn't be faith talk." 
It is time for the church to become a safe haven; a place where people can reveal in order to heal.  Do we camp out on the problem?  No.  But once we know there is a problem, we can offer the solution.  I encourage everyone to be more sensitive to the inner cries of those around you.  You have in you what people need to be free.  However, you can't help them if you don't know help is needed.   We need to make ourselves available so that His healing power can flow through us.  
And remember:  Healing is a process.  Helping someone who is emotionally broken requires time and a whole lot of patience.  A lot of people do not want invest that kind of commitment in the lives of others.  This then leaves us with churches full of people putting on their “church face” and never being real with one another.  Is this what “church” is supposed to be all about?  

“The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity” Luke 4:18

All that’s hidden
Must be revealed
Nothing gets past Your eyes
You know the darkness underneath
You know the inner cries

You want to peel the mask away
And erase all of the fakeness
You are not pleased with the lies
You’ve come to expose the weakness

You desire that all of Your children
Would have oneness with each other
But these walls are such a hindrance
Of us being real to one another

You know everything about us
The reasons we are insecure
Only You have the answer
To release us from this fear

It can’t be done in our own strength
The supply comes from only You
Deliver us from this bondage, Lord
Make us a people who walk in truth

Monday, October 10, 2011


I scurried around the kitchen taking care of my children’s hunger while worshipping along with the music on my laptop.  Suddenly I had to come to a dead halt, not knowing that MY "hunger" would be met that afternoon. Leaning onto my elbows on the counter, eyes shut ~ the One being worshipped reached down to touch me: depositing into me the only way to feed my longing to know Him more intimately.
 “…the veil of the temple was torn in two.” (Luke 23:45)

Ultimately the veil has already been torn for our free access to God, where we can come BOLDLY to Him, but we hang our self constructed veils that keep us from confidently approaching Him.

I see Jesus, just the lower half of Him (in a white robe).  His hands outstretched beckoning one to come to Him…

A woman, behind a white veil – sheepishly, she pokes her head around to see Him. She knew Him. He knew her. That was evident.

As she made her way to Him, there were rows of veils to maneuver around.   Each veil had a name: Shame, hurt, bitterness, resentment, anger, guilt, abuse, abandonment: All in which were blocking her from coming to Him FULLY. She longed to be with Him, but these veils…

She loves Him and is in relationship with Him.  She is a worshipper… but she only presents to Him the “pretty” parts ~ ashamed of those unhealed areas of her life.   

We think these veils protect us. We shy away because of shame.  We even unconsciously doubt His acceptance because of false perceptions of our worth due to what we’ve been through or because of earthly relationships that have caused us deep pain.

The most intimate relationships are born out of being vulnerable to share your whole “story.”  This is why He is calling. He longs for all of you and He knows the healing power His presence brings.  Beloved, He is beckoning you…

Longing for a love exchange
Abandoned and free
I anticipate our togetherness
As you make your way to Me

Suddenly you cower
From Me, your eyes divert
Veils drape around you
Tailored by years of hurt

I see the shackles tighten
Binding up your heart
You hold from Me the broken
Only giving Me a part

A part of who you really are
A portion of your soul
I need to embrace it all
To mend and make you whole

Restoration only comes
To places you let Me touch
Press past your own resistance
I’m the One who you can trust

Anxiously I beckon you
As a husband to his bride
To make your way again
Confidently by My side

Recklessly abandoned
To My arms you quickly run
Cradled in My acceptance…
Veils dropping… one by one